domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


The U.S. economy is probably experiencing its worst crisis since the great depression of 1929. Today’s economic crisis has extended to almost all sectors, affecting everyone. The crisis started in the home mortgage market, especially the market of the subprime mortgages; this was a combination of high speculation and easy access for credit.
I was living in the U.S. when everyone started to buy houses around 2004, it was a time of prosperity and happiness, but people were not only buying house to achieve that long quest of the “American dream” of being able to buy a house, a car and even a boat, everyone was buying houses because prices were rising, interest rates were low and banks were giving off loans as easily as buying a carton of milk at the supermarket. But how did the U.S. got to this situation? To answer that we have to trace a few years.
The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in September 11, 2001 decided to lower interest rates at 1% to keep the economy strong, this led to banks on Wall Street to borrow from the Federal Reserve for 1% and other surpluses from other economies like Japan, China and other countries of the Middle East created and abundance of cheap credit for banks. Eventually investors entered the business with banks creating the credit bubble.

By this time everyone had access to easy credit, with low interest rates, this led to a major buy and sale of the housing business, for example a house that cost 80,000 dollars, someone with a $15,000 investment (down payment) would get a loan for $65,000 and only in a few months they would sell it for 90-100 thousand dollars, and because there was a big demand for houses, everyone was buying and selling. Mean while in Wall Street banks and investors were dividing the mortgages depending on their risk (safe, ok and risky) this strategy for making tons of money was that banks would sell millions of mortgages to investors, it was an easy was to make money for everyone, but what nobody knew was that they had created a time bomb.

The turning point was when loans were giving to people of high risk, this were the subprime mortgages and eventually this home owners started to default on their payments, on the bride side banks and investors would get the house, but then thousand of home owners defaulted in their payments and thousands of houses were up for foreclosure, this led to a collapse of the prices of the houses , on the other side home owners that could pay their houses realize that it didn’t make sense to pay a mortgage of  200,000 dollars when their home was worth 80,000, eventually they started to default too.
Now everyone in Wall Street (banks, investors) had a thousand of houses in their possession but no money to pay the billions of loans that they had, and people in Main Street had loss their house and their life time savings, the time bomb exploded! The result was millions of houses for sale and zero buyers, banks and investors were bankrupt, asking for a bail out. This was the down turn of the U.S economy that included unemployment, millions in debt and the wake up moment from the American dream.


When structuring the political system of the United States of American, the founding fathers wanted to avoid a political system that in any way reflected the monarchical system of Great Britain and specially avoid a tyranny, and in order to establish a their own political system the US based their principal ideals on John Locke’s self government of the people through popular elections and  Montesquieu’s harmonic cooperation between the branches of power in order to avoid that a branch would accumulate enough power to take over control a establish a tyranny.

In the presidential system of the US the president is both the head of state and the head of government, as well as the military commander in chief and chief diplomat, in other words the president is the head of the military forces and the international relations. Within the executive branch, the president has constitutional powers to manage national affairs. Furthermore the president has the ability to recommend measures to congress and has the right and power to sign or veto a legislation passed by congress, but in the contrary side congress may override a presidential veto if the votes goes by two thirds majority in both houses (congress and senate). Also the president has the power to appoint the ministers of government and with the consent of the senate appoint Supreme Court justices and federal judges.
The president of the United States is elected for a four year term and may serve a maximum of two terms, this was mandated by a constitutional amendment enacted in 1951, following the precedent of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that was elected for a record of four terms but only concluded three because of his dead in 1945.

The biggest difference of the US presidential system and electoral system is that the president is not won directly by the voters but by an electoral college representing each state, for example depending on the population of the state the electoral votes that it gets, in this case California (55), Texas (38) and New York (29) have the largest number of electoral votes. The total of electoral votes is 538; in order to become the president of the US a candidate has to win at least 270 electoral votes. This system of election means that a candidate can win the largest number of popular votes but can lose the elections if the candidate doesn’t win the electoral votes.